TBC Artists' Collective has now announced an open call for submissions to its February 12-Pages Project. Applicants are asked to make a new artwork in response to the theme of 'HYBRID'.
- All images as sent as JPEGs, minimum 72dpi, max 150dpi, min 400Kb, max 1Mb.
- All text as .doc, unless presented as a ‘drawing’ or ‘image’ in PDF format. Limit text to 3,000 words.
- If you have a clear idea as to how you want your work to be displayed, submit your ideal layout as a PDF.
- The editor’s decision is final.
- Issuu.com is the current publication host for 12-Pages - click here for previous issues of 12-Pages.
All responses should be sent to
Beverley.Bennett@tbcartistscollective.org by midnight on 28th February 2011 to be considered for inclusion within TBC's Online Project Space. HYBRID will be online in March 2011.