Sunday, 25 July 2010

TBC Meeting 14/07/10


Chair: CP
Attendees: BB, LD, PM, AM, MB, EO
Apologies: PW, SK, JM, PL, JJL, JT

1.0 TBC update
1.1 Exhibiting Artists in Delineation
CP informed the group that sadly Toni is unable to participate in Delineation due to work and family commitments. She hopes to rejoin the group at a later date. Toni will be refunded her exhibition fee but this should not need to be covered by the remaining exhibitors at present. LD to keep the group updated on Delineation finances.
1.2 The deadline for submitting artists’ statement text to PM has passed and the statements have been formatted for all those who have emailed text for editing/design. CP showed the statements to the group. Update: at the time of writing the minutes for the meeting all statements are now complete with images and text and ready for eventual publication on the website. They will soon be available to view and download as PDFs from googledocs.
At the next meeting the group will discuss the production of consistently formatted biographies for the group to be used online and in the supplementary information packs in Delineation.
1.3 LD updated the group on the progress of the TBC website. There is now a home page live at with introductory information about the group and Delineation. As the web site progresses all TBC members will be able to collect information for the site and LD will upload it. AM, BB and CP volunteered to also take responsibility for uploading and maintaining the website content. There will be time allocated in a future TBC meeting to discuss the scope and direction of the TBC website.
1.4 Since the last meeting JT has set up a TBC Art Review page, which can be accessed by using the TBC gmail email address and the password ‘dingdong’. All TBC members are encouraged to contribute to this page.
1.5 PW has made some suggestions for the long-term development of TBC. In his absence these were only briefly discussed, to be fully explored once PW returns to a meeting. In principle, all members present at the meeting though there was merit in these ideas:
1. A small regular subscription from members to start building up a general fund - either a couple of pounds at each meeting, or a small amount per month. That way it would be fairly painless but could build up quite quickly.
2. Similarly, a percentage of any sales at TBC events to go into TBC coffers.
3. Any individual exhibitions or events by members to reference/credit TBC. The group must decide how to define the level of reference needed.

2.0 Delineation
2.1 BB and CP updated the group on the exhibition preparation. The Delineation web text has been sent to the Crypt and is now live on their exhibitions page. Delineation information is also available on The Big Draw website now.
2.2 BB provided an update on drinks sponsorship for the Delineation PV. To date we still have to find any sponsorship. MB will approach the NPG to identify the source of their PV wine. LD and PM informed the group that they have prepared a detailed budget for Quintessentially regarding their sponsorship and have budgeted for Buddies to serve drinks at the PV, and a selection of beverages. EO has secured a floral contribution from ‘Thinking Flowers’, ethical floral specialists for the PV.
2.3 A maximum capacity must be determined for the PV – CP and BB will contact Claire Pinney at the crit to check H&S requirements for the venue.
2.4 The group discussed a staggered PV, to allow enough space for friends, family and creative industries professionals. Some guests may be invited specifically for the talk session on the Saturday. Two different e-invites will be designed, one specifically with PV info for targeted professionals and one general invite to circulate to contacts. TBC will start to generate a core list of PV professional invitees. Suggested at the meeting were Frank Dobson, David Lammy and Michael McMillan. TBC members to bring suggestions for more PV invitees to the meeting on 11 August.
2.5 Marketing was discussed. Some deadlines are approaching and we must decide on how to allocate the marketing budget. Examples of costings were discussed: 1/8 page in Art Monthly is £295, The Guardian Guide £648, Time Out is free, Le Cool online £300, New Exhibitions £60. The deadline for New Exhibitions is approaching on 1st August. AN offer an advertising discount for subscribers, but is still expensive and it is unclear how useful it is for advertising exhibitions. It was decided that we should use as much free online marketing as possible, such as Art Rabbit and Re-title. EO will get costings from The Big Issue and Metro for the next meeting. Responsibility for marketing will be shared amongst the group.
2.6 The events programme still needs to be clarified. The artists’ talk and/or panel discussion will be managed by BB & CP, and the workshop and Buddies liaison by AM & PM. To date, Jim Mooney has yet to confirm his participation in the talk. It was suggested that we invite him to a TBC meeting. The idea of a panel discussion with the Drawing Room was also discussed. Other suggested contributors included Rod Mackintosh and The Centre for Recent Drawing (C4RD). AM led a stimulus session for present members to consider potential workshop ideas. This was a very useful tool that will be developed in the meeting on 11th August.
2.7 PM will continue to conduct research into the catalogue format, costing, stockists etc and update TBC at a forthcoming meeting.

3.0 12 Pages
3.1 BB has conducted some research into the magazine market in conjunction with the Serpentine shop. A publication list was circulated for consideration.
3.2 An open discussion was had into the projected objectives of the publication, production and distribution ideas, format, audience, etc. It was widely agreed that the website was a more immediately available form of publication for the group, and it was suggested that 12 Pages could be formulated from website content and its growth.
12 pages will continue to be considered by the group, but is of less immediate concern than the development of the Delineation project.

4.0 TBC Making Session 30/07/10
4.1 There has been no suitable location secured for this session so it has been decided that there will instead by a TBC visit to the Francis Alys exhibition at Tate Modern. We will meet at 6pm on the fourth floor outside the exhibition entrance.

5.0 AOB
5.1 TBC will visit a PV at The Crypt PV on 16/07/10 and report back at the next meeting.
5.2 The meeting on 30/07/10 will be a trip to Tate Modern.
5.3 The meeting on 11/08/10 will be chaired by AM. The meeting will start with MB presenting work for discussion by the group. The rest of the meeting will focus on the events programme for Delineation. AM will lead an active discussion session to stimulate ideas for Quintessentially workshops, and potential questions/hypotheses for the artists’ talk/panel discussion will be formulated. We will start a core list of PV invitees, and receive an update on catalogue research from PM. The meeting will start at NPG at 6pm, please forward confirmation of attendance to BB for security purposes.

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